Nail Your App Critique Interview: Tips for Product Designers

Carl Wheatley
2 min readJul 11, 2024


I’ve interviewed and have prepared designers for their Interview. At Meta and many other companies they have a App critique interview.

Nail Your App Critique Interview: Tips for Product Designers

Are you preparing for an App Critique Interview as part of your Product Designer interview process? This interview is an opportunity to showcase your design skills, critique thinking, and problem-solving abilities.

Here are some valuable tips to help you ace your App Critique Interview:
Familiarize yourself with the app: Download the app, explore its features, and identify areas for improvement.

Prepare your critique framework: Develop a structured approach to critiquing the app’s design, such as:

* What works well and why

* What areas need improvement and why

* Suggestions for addressing those areas

Focus on the user experience: Emphasize how your suggested improvements will benefit the user and enhance their overall experience.

Be specific and actionable: Avoid general statements and provide concrete, actionable feedback that the design team can implement.

Discuss trade-offs and constraints: Show that you understand the design decisions behind the app and can balance competing priorities.

Practice articulating your thoughts: Clearly and concisely communicate your critique and suggested improvements.

During the interview:

Take notes on the app’s design and identify areas for improvement.

Ask clarifying questions to ensure you understand the design context.

Provide your critique and suggested improvements, using your prepared framework.

Discuss the design decisions and trade-offs that led to your suggestions.

Show enthusiasm and interest in the app and its design.

Be respectful and constructive in your feedback.

Use “I” statements to express your thoughts and opinions.

Highlight your design thinking and problem-solving skills.

After the interview:

Send a thank-you note to the interviewer, reiterating your interest in the role.

Follow up with the recruiter or hiring manager to inquire about the status of your application.

By following these tips, you’ll be well-prepared to showcase your skills and increase your chances of success in your App Critique Interview.

Share your own experiences and tips in the comments below!

Here is some more helpful information —

Carl is a Talent Sourcer Building Design, Product & Engineering Teams at Meta. Carl is also a Mentor at Mento Design Academy. Before recruiting, he was a product designer working with many tech startups to design mobile apps. Carl is also the co-founder of a Meetup called Global UXD where he helps connect designers with each other and create new opportunities. Having completed Thinkful and DesignLab bootcamps before becoming a recruiter, he’s an expert at helping designers land their first design roles. Find Carl on and LinkedIn.



Carl Wheatley

I specialize in the placement of Design, Product and Engineering professionals. Prior Designer. If you have any questions please reach out.